Damavand Climb

How to Climb Damavand.  The Best Guidance for Climbing Damavand Mountain
How to Climb Damavand – The Best Guidance for Climbing Damavand Mountain

How to Climb Damavand
The Best Guidance for Climbing Damavand Mountain
Hiking Mount Damavand, Iran’s tallest peak and most renowned summit, is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. This article teaches you How to Climb Mount Damavand Iran using four alternative Damavand Routes and provides the finest guidance for setting up and managing your trip to Damavand. Additionally, you’ll improve your chances of reaching the summit and have a safe mountaineering to Damavand summit. Ordinary mountaineers with common equipment and ordinary climbing ability can benefit greatly from this advice.

Ascent of Damavand
You may find all the information you need on this website about Damavand climbing tour, facts, information, routes, the best advice for trekking Damavand, how to climb Damavand mountain and hiking and trekking Damavand. The Damavand Guidebook is a precise, comprehensive, and simple-to-follow guide to hiking up Iran’s highest peak. You will have the opportunity to trek with inspirational individuals who have completed the Damavand peak journey more than 100 times. If you’re fortunate enough to encounter any professional Damavand Guides during your visit to Iran, the locals in the area are renowned for their hospitality.

In Iran, mountaineering on Mount Damavand is a popular and widespread pastime for people of all ages. It is a long-standing custom to climb Damavand, and not only adults but also teenagers are drawn to the adventure of doing so. Trek Damavand to experience Iran’s least populous area, a vast expanse of untamed nature, and unique vegetation. One of the most well-liked mountain climbing tours in Iran is climbing Mount Damavand. The summit can be reached in two to four days by combining hiking, trekking, and climbing. This is the right page that is recommended for more information Damavand Guide: Damavand hike trek ski tour guide.

Iran’s Damavand Mountain has a highly interesting location at its summit. The roof of Iran is another name for this location. From here, you may see numerous picturesque towns, cities, and roads that are out of your line of sight. Beginners are strongly encouraged to trek Damavand during the summer months when the weather is favorable, from after mid-June to mid-September, when there is little snow on the mountain and the temperature is generally warm. Everything on this page is accurate information Damavand Info: Damavand guide information.

Damavand Climbing Routes
Damavand volcano is a nicely shaped volcano. Because of its conical form, there are numerous ways to climb it. There are sixteen known hiking, trekking, mountaineering, and climbing routes and trails on Mount Damavand Iran. Four of these hiking trails are chosen over the others. Damavand’s top four main climbing routes are the south route, the west route, the north-east route, and the north route. Each of these pathways has a shelter or refuge at a height of roughly 4000 meters. Read this article to broaden your knowledge about climbing Nandal Camp: Nandal Village mountaineer house.

Damavand Climbing Routes
How to Climb Damavand using four alternative Rutes
Damavand Climbing Routes
How to Climb Damavand using four alternative Rutes

Route to Damavand South
Damavand Trekking Guide from the South Route
The southern route of Damavand, which has a spectacular Bargah Sevom new mountain resort at 4250 meters, is the region that is most well-known. The majority of mountaineers favor the South route. The southern flank of Damavand Iran is the best and quickest side to trek. This route can be used to reach Polour Village from Tehran. On this excursion, you’ll pass across some breathtaking countryside. Discover quality articles in Damavand Ski Tour: Damavand ski touring guide.

How to Ascend Mount Damavand Southern Route?
For a trekking tour to Damavand Iran, there are various itineraries. Here, we’ve chosen and described the easiest and most well-liked Damavand hiking guide. This program can be altered to better fit your schedule and goals. For novice hikers, experienced climbers, and foreign mountain tourists who want to take on the mountain from the south path, this 5-day Damavand plan is perfect.

Ideally, Saturday would be the best day to begin because there is less vehicle traffic on Haraz Road, Damavand mountain’s sole access route, and less crowding in the shelters, refuges, and huts. Avoid starting on Iranian weekends (Thursday and Friday) and Persian Holidays, it is not a smart idea.

Damavand South Route Itinerary
Damavand trekking guide detailed program for the south path a pleasant plan to the mountain’s south face.

1- Arrival Day
Depending upon your arrival time and landing in Tehran, you may stay in a hotel in Tehran or drive directly to the Damavand Camp I Polour hut. Remember most flights from Europe arrive in Tehran late night and the working hour of Polour hut is from 6 AM to 11 PM! The best place to begin the Damavand west and south trails is Polour camp, which serves as a shortcut. It is an excellent idea to get away from Tehran’s pollution and a good site for acclimatization. Overnight at camp I hut, local house or tent.

2- Damavand Trekking Day
Drive to Damavand Camp II by 4wd car, then hike to Camp III. Overnight at C3 hut, tent, or shelter. Because off-road vehicles like Jeeps, Land Rovers, and small trucks can access this campsite in summer season, Damavand Camp II or Base Camp 3050 meters (also known as Goosfand-Sara or mosque), it serves as the beginning point of the Damavand south route throughout the summer. Remember camp II is no longer advised for tenting, camping acclimation, or lodging because of the summer crowds and other issues.

 It is preferable to begin your trek and depart c2 area as soon as you arrive at the second camp. To reach the third campsite, Damavand Camp III Bargah-Sevom, walk slowly and steadily for 4 to 5 hours. Observe the footprints. Finding the paths is simple when there is adequate visibility and proper weather. Starting your journey early in the day will give you enough time to go to the third campsite in plenty of time, where you can spend the remainder of the day acclimatizing at 4220 meters above sea level. Camp III tent, shelter, or new hut for the night. 

3- Damavand Acclimatization Day
Depending on your jetlag, physical fitness and lack your trekking practice you may need a rest day at c3. Today is a day of preparing for the enormous Damavand volcano! Damavand mountaineering guide advise is that “your goal is to trek to around 4,500-4,800 meters”. You are not here to attempt to break any speed or record records! Take it easy and go gently because you are in this place to acclimate. There’s no need to get started early in the day or climb higher than necessary to weary your team or yourself. Keep your energies for tomorrow. After your hike, have plenty of time to relax. Get an early night! At camp III new hut, shelter, or tent spend the night.

Damavand Trekking Guide 
Damavand Camp III Bargah Sevom to the summit route map
Damavand Trekking Guide
Damavand Camp III Bargah Sevom to the summit route map

4- Damavand Summit Day
Damavand summit push, climb to the peak and return to c3. South path has a gentle rising slope and is not particularly challenging in terms of technical difficulty. But in order to try it, you must be physically in shape. Visit Damavand climbing guide difficulty and challenge. Camp 3 tent, shelter, or new hut for the night. Have a hearty breakfast, get up early (about 4 am) and brew two or three cups of tea or coffee. Look at the weather report. start around five in the morning. Every hour while ascending, take a brief break. Never take a break for longer than five minutes. Follow the correct footpaths; if unsure, consult a trustworthy Damavand guide. 

Drink water while trekking and whenever you stop and eat some treats like chocolate and cookies. For the day of the Damawand summit push, you require at least 1.5 letters of water. Climbing takes 5 to 7 hours, depending on your level of physical fitness, to reach the peak. When you reach the peak, don’t linger there for too long. Instead, snap a few pictures and head back to camp 3. There is a better path to descend; it is called the scree trail (shen-ski trail in Farsi). The hike down this trail from the top to camp 3 takes around three hours.

If you’re not too exhausted after going back to c3 and taking a little break, you can go down to c2 and drive to Tehran. But if you are tired you may stay at camp III new hut, shelter, or tent and spend the night.

5- Damavand Return Day
After a night of recuperation at Bargah Sevom, return to Camp II and then drive to Camp I on your return day. You have some free time, so you may visit the hot spring in the nearby village of Abe Garm Larijan. There are public spas with tiny pools of mineral-heated water where you can relax and forget about your climb’s tiredness. backtrack to your Tehran hotel. Program is over. Overnight in a hotel in Tehran.

Damavand Hiking Guide Helpful Notes
– Equipment Inspection. Don’t carry heavy and big objects to the top. Take only what is necessary. It is better to keep your bulky equipment at your tent or new hut. When going back to c2 and c1, don’t forget your gear. Being fatigued makes it very typical to forget about some gears!

– In favorable weather, starting from C3 at 5 am makes sense. It allows you enough time to get back to C3 in time or perhaps visit Tehran and the First Camp on the same day!

– Keep in mind that camp 3 Bargah Sevom is the highest campground on the south face and that there is no more food, water, or shelter from c3 upwards.

– Crucial information for the summit day! There has long been a false belief (which still holds true today) that the only way to climb the last section of Mount Damavand is at night due to sulfur gas near the summit crater. Due to reduced sulfur dioxide, it is advised to begin the ascent from camp 3 to the summit at midnight in order to reach the volcanic area early in the morning. Members of the 100 Damavand Club highly advise against starting a challenge against Damawand at night and to only use daylight. The optimum time to start from C3 to the top in the summer is between 5 and 6 am.

Damavand Climbing Guide GUID22OCT17A

Route to Damavand South Damavand Hiking Guide from the South Route
Route to Damavand South Damavand Hiking Guide from the South Route

How can I ascend Damavand via the West Route?
There is another way to ascend Damavand: to the west. After the traditional south route, it is the second-most visited side of the mountain. You must travel to Polour village campsite from Haraz road if you want to hike Damavand from the western front. In the summer, 4WD automobiles from Polour can drive you to the starting area, known as the Parking area, through Lar Dam Road. The ascent typically begins from this base in Vararood. The posts on this webpage are amazing Mount Doberar: Mount Doberar ridgeline wild skiing.

This base-camp is located at a height of roughly 3400 meters. To get to Simorgh shelter, you should trek from the parking lot. There is running water at Simorgh refuge, which is a nice thing. Stay the night in the tenting area or the Simorq shelter.
After taking a night’s rest at the Simorgh campsite, continue your climb over the western ridge, passing the glacier as you go, and making your way through rocks and sulfur-rich soils. Although the trip may be shortened, keep in mind that the slope from the western front to Damavand summit is fairly steep and contains severe gradients. You have to climb up this steep, rocky slope in the direction of the top to get to Damavand top. If you are looking to learn more may visit this website Lasem Village: Lasem skiing resort near mount Doberar.

Hiking from the parking lot to the Simorgh shelter takes around 2-3 hours. From there, the route changes according to the slope, and depending on your physical condition, ability to breathe, and level of preparation, it may take 5-7 hours to reach the west peak of Damavand volcano.

Route to Damavand West
Trekking Damavand Mountain from the West Route
Route to Damavand West
Damavand Trekking Guide Western Route

Route to Damavand North-East
Mountaineering the northeastern edge of Damavand, Iran
One of the most picturesque ways to reach Damavand Peak is by the northeast front of volcano Damavand (Nandel village trail). Choose this route if you want to ascend Damavand or visit its attractions. Even photos cannot capture all of the natural beauty in Damavand’s northeastern region.

The Kooh-e Damavand north-east route is a challenging, arduous, cold, windy, and long-descending mountaineering route. At a height of roughly 4380m, it has a shelter named Takht-e Fereydoun.

How to Climb Damavand from North-East Route?
Damavand Climbing Guide for Northeastern Side
It takes longer than other routes to reach Damavand summit via the North-East side. Climbers might choose between two distinct routes on this side:

A- The Nandal trail, and the one we advise taking, is through Nandal Village.
B-  The Gazaneh path which is a longer path that traverses the Talkh Roud (bitter river) and starts from the Gazaneh Village.

These two routes naturally intersect at a location known as Takht Fereydoun Shelter, and from there, the ascent from the northeastern front follows a distinct and identical route. The majority of climbers prefer to start from Nandal Village because the ascent through the village of Gazaneh is lengthier. If you start from Nandal village, you can hire a 4WD vehicle to drive you to the Gardaneh-Sar sheepfold starting point (or walk the route by yourself). The base of the ascent, known as the sheepfold, is roughly 2870 meters above sea level and may be reached in about 45 minutes by 4WD car.

In order to go to the spring of Espe from Gazaneh Village, one must travel along the acrid river and through numerous farms. The sheepfold is then accessible from the top of a slope that is located below Minaret Peak. The Takht Fereydoun Shelter will thereafter be reached after you have traversed a difficult incline. The continuation of this path will eventually meet the north path, and the two will travel to the summit together.

Damavand Climbing Guide North-East from Nandal Path
Access point to the settlement of Nandel (northeast side of Damavand)
You should use the Haraz Road from Tehran to Amol if you plan to travel by automobile. On the left side of the road is the Nandal village exit. the Vana tunnel, Baijan, Pasgah, and Gaznak. A sign that reads “to Nandel mountaineer’s residence” is posted on the left side of the road at the beginning of the trail after the Baijan and after passing through Tunnel Number 8. Then travel 16 kilometers to Haji Dela Village, 18 kilometers to Mian Deh, and 19 kilometers to Nandel. Reach the incredibly picturesque Nandel village, which is located at a height of roughly 2300 meters, by traveling the route at a safe speed. A two-story house for climbers with a yard for parking cars, two rooms (one large and one little), a bathroom, and a toilet is in Nandel Camp, Nandal Resort. In the best case scenario, Nandel Mountaineer’s residence can accommodate twenty guests.

Route to Damavand North-East
Mountaineering North East Route Map - Nandal Trail
Route to Damavand North-East
Damavand Mountaineering Guide
North East Route Map – Nandal Trail

We advise staying in Nandel village for a day before beginning the climb if you don’t have a strict schedule. This will allow you to take in the beauty of the village and the surrounding plains, and because Nandel is relatively high at 2300 meters, your body will have more time to adjust to the high altitude conditions. Climbers who desire to ascend Iran’s roof from the north often travel to the village of Nandel! You can utilize a 4WD automobile to take you to the Gardaneh-Sar sheepfold, which is the starting point of the northeast route (from Nandel). The length of your itinerary will be extended by one day if you choose to hike the route with a large backpack and arrive at Gosfandsera before continuing to Takht Fereydoun shelter. Gardane Sar sheepfold is located at a height of 2870 meters.

Throughout the entire ascent, this is the last place where you can get access to pure drinking water. So, we advise you to bring enough water with you for the duration of your climb to Damavand Peak (usually three days). To get your extra-heavy luggage to the Takht-Fereydoun refuge, organize with the man in charge of the sheepfold and hire a mule based on the number of individuals in your party. Since each mule can only carry three backpacks, it is advised that the team members put their heavy equipment (such as water bottles, etc.) into backpacks and hand it to the mules so that they can ascend to the shelter carrying almost-lightweight backpacks (have enough water with you for the trek to the shelter).

The majority of the trail has distinct foot prints after going through the Gardaneh Sar and the start of the northeast ridge, and it takes around 6 hours to hike to Takht Fereydoun shelter. You can use the water created by the glaciers melting at two locations along the path. It is best to avoid drinking this water if you are not accustomed to drinking glacier water. On the edge of the Yekhar glacier, at a height of 4388 meters, is the Takht Fereydoun shelter, which has room for 20 people. Tenting is permitted close to the shelter. After arriving at the shelter, it is preferable to take a short break, leave your belongings there, and continue on towards Yachar Ridge, reaching a height of about 4800 meters. Stay at this elevation for an hour to allow your body to adjust to the altitude, then head back to the shelter, eat a light dinner, and get ready for tomorrow’s summit push!

It will save you time if you pack and prepare your one-day bag (attack bag pack) the night before climbing. Ride on the brink of the Yakhar Glacier by continuing the path above the shelter. Keep as far away from the tracks as you can while still being cautious of that section of the ridge route overlooking Yekhar Glacier because the pathway frequently goes through unstable rocks and falling stones, an issue that has frequently resulted in climbers suffering injuries. You will arrive at a location named Bam-Barfi after traversing the Yakhar Ridge (snowy roof). The terrain gradually incline. Wear a handkerchief or a mask over your face since sulfur gas will be carried by the wind if it is blowing in your direction. The two northern and northeastern fronts will converge as you approach the snowy roof, and a clear path will lead you to the Damavand top (also called the roof of Iran).

At altitudes more than 5000 meters, be mindful of your heart rate and attempt to maintain a rhythmic breathing pattern. Every half-step you may need to take a breath, but it will be worthwhile because using this strategy will only bring headache and confusion. Of course, in order to enjoy a comfortable climb up Damavand peak, you should improve on your lung capacity first. Reach Damavand peak by moving gently down the inclining snow-covered roof. Try to avoid visiting the sulfur crater in Damavand. It is best to avoid spending more than 30 minutes on the top because the Sulphur fumes from the crater can harm you and your team members due to the conditions at 5600 meters above sea level.

Because of the tumbling rocks, shaky trail, and narrow ridge of the northeastern front, it is well known. It is preferable if there is less than one meter between team members so they can keep their distance from the person in front of them while they wait in line. Think about how the cold, exhaustion, and altitude might sap your energy. When you return, try to keep your focus and walk steadily. The choice is yours, but it would be better to stay another night in the shelter. The second night’s camping for some mountaineers takes place among the lovely grasses of this plain, 400 meters below the shelter on a little, green plain.

Biological Resources
Due to its isolation, the north-eastern ridge boasts stunning and unspoiled natural sceneries. If you climb when the trail is unoccupied, you may have the opportunity to encounter unusual animal species because dense foliage and adequate water resources have allowed them to grow and develop. As a hiker or lover of nature, you are expected to take responsibility for protecting the area’s natural resources, bring plastic bags with you before the program, make sure there is nothing left behind when you leave the shelter, and leave just your footsteps behind.

2 PM Law in Mountaineering!
If you have succeeded in reaching the peak, it is preferable to leave before 14:00; however, if you have not yet reached the peak at 14:00, it is preferable to give up and head back. You must conserve your energy since you have a long journey ahead of you on the glacier and the ridge of the ice fall.

Mobile Network in Northeastern Front of Damavand
Mobile Network services are available from Takht Fereydoun shelter to Gardneh Sar sheepfold (Irancell and the Hamrah-Avval). You can let Mr. Salehi, who oversees the Nandel Mountaineer House, know what time he should arrive with a 4WD car to pick you up and drive you back to Nandal.

Locals who are helpful:
Nandel mountaineer’s house (Mr. Salehi’s house)
Hoshang Salehi (responsible for mountaineer house)
Ismail Ramezani (4WD car (Nissan) driver)
Ali Qanbari (owner of the mule)
Damavand Climbing Guide GUID22OCT18A

Route to Mount Damavand Iran
Climbing North East Route Map - Gazaneh Trail
Route to Mount Damavand Iran
Climbing North East Route Map – Gazaneh Trail

Route to Damavand North
Climbing up Mount Damavand from the North Face
Mount Damavand summit can be climbed also from the north face. Although the north face of Mount Damavand is thought to be the most challenging of the mountain’s main routes, it may be argued that it is simpler than some of the less used, subsidiary climbs on Mount Damavand, Tehran. In general, because to the enormous height of this massive volcano, climbing to Mt. Damavand from any path is usually a challenging program.

Route to Damavand North
Climbing up Mount Damavand from the North Face
Route to Damavand North
Climbing up Mount Damavand from the North Face

How to Climb the North Face of Damavand?
Damavand Trekking Guide through the Northen Route
In general, groups normally do a 3 to 5-day program to trek Damavand from the north face. As part of this plan, you would leave Tehran early in the morning for Nandal Village Mountaineering House and then drive by a 4WD vehicle to the Big Stone, a trekking starting point that is 2,900 meters above sea level, before noon. Before it gets dark, hike to the first campsite, known as the 4000 Refuge, or the second campsite, known as the 5000 Shelter.

Nandal Village North Face of Damavand
Damavand Hiking Trekking Guide
Damavand North and North-East Routes Starting Point
Nandal Village North Face of Damavand
Damavand Hiking & Trekking Guide
Damavand North and North-East Routes Starting Point

The additional luggage from the Big Rock can be given to the mules to transport to the first camping site (4,000 shelter), or perhaps below the second shelter (5,000 shelter), at an altitude of around 4400 meters and 30 minutes before the second shelter. The porter and mule can be scheduled in advance in the Nandal village.

Damavand guide. Tehran to Nandal Village Road Map
Damavand guide
Tehran to Nandal Village Road Map

4-Day Damavand North Route Itinerary
The best and most sensible schedule for the ascent is a four-day program to Climb Damavand Peak from the northern route.

Day 1: Tehran to Nandal Village travel. Spend the first night before the ascent in the tenting area at Big Stone or, better, in the mountaineering residence in the village of Nandel. A good night’s sleep and a suitable acclimatization is crucial before ascending beyond 4,000 meters.

Big Stone Mt. Damavand North Route Starting Point
Damavand Hiking Guide: damavand-guide.com
Big Stone Mt. Damavand North Route Starting Point
Damavand Trekking Guide: damavand-guide.com

Day 2: On the second day, hike from the Big Rock to the first shelter at a height of 4,000 meters while carrying a bulky backpack and all the necessary gear. If you speak with the mule man on the first day, you may also be able to arrange for the porter and mule to carry your bulky gear to the first shelter prior to your arrival. You can spend a significant amount of time at the first shelter acclimating to a greater altitude in the afternoon, and then you can thoroughly recover and sleep before the summit push.

Because you have more time to climb to Damavand summit and descend back to High Campsite on the summit day, it is also a good idea to head straight to the second shelter if you are not completely spent. It typically takes 4-5 hours to hike from the starting point, Big Rock, to the first shelter. It takes roughly 3 hours of mountaineering to get from the first shelter to the second shelter. It takes roughly 5 to 6 hours to climb from the second shelter to the Damavand summit.

Day3: Depending on the time of year and Damavand weather forecast, begin your hike on the third day early in the morning at around 5 am. After passing the second shelter, attempt the last section to reach the crater of Damavand volcano. Before noon, you should be able to ascend roughly 1600 meters and reach the summit. Once you have the right timing, go back to the first shelter, where you will spend the night to regain your energy.

Damavand North Face. Damavand climbing guide
Damavand North Face Route
Damavand climbing guide

Day 4: Bring your bulky bag and camping gear on the fourth and final day, and depending on how much time you have, arrive at the Big Stone and your vehicle before noon or after dark. Then, drive back to Tehran to complete the program.

Because you have more time to hike to Damavand Peak and descend back to the high campground on the second day, it is more normal to proceed straight to the second shelter. It typically takes 4-5 hours to hike from the starting point, Big Rock, to the first shelter. It takes roughly 3 hours of mountaineering to get from the first shelter to the second shelter. It takes roughly 5 to 6 hours to climb from the second shelter to the top of Damavand.

Drive to Damavand North & North-East
Road to Nandal Village Mountaineering Resort. Damavand Trekking Guide
Drive to Damavand North & North-East Routes
Road to Nandal Village Mountaineering Resort
Damavand Mountaineering Guide

Camps along the Damavand North Route
A- Nandal Village
Mountaineers’ Camp in Nandel Village – Mr. Salehi.
Height 2350 meters – a local residence
Geographical coordinates:
Latitude: 36.030330° – Longitude: 52.174072°

Nandal Camp & Mountaineering Resort
Damavand Climbing Guide
Nandal Camp & Mountaineering Resort
Damavand Climbing Guide

B- Big Stone – The Large Rock
It is a campground & tenting area used as a base camp during the summer.
Height 2920 meters –
Geographical coordinates:
Latitude: 36.011929 – Longitude: 52.120590

Damavand hiking trekking guide
Mount Damavand Northe & North-east Face Road Map
Damavand hiking trekking guide
Mount Damavand Northe & North-east Face Road Map

C- 4000 Shelter
(4 thousand shelter) (Shelter is called Janpanah in Farsi)
Height 3990 meters – It is made of metal and can accommodate 15 people.
Geographical coordinates:
Latitude: 35.978231- Longitude: 52.111271

D- 5000 Shelter
(5 thousand shelter)
Height 4625 meters – It has a 15-person capacity and is made-up of metal.
Geographical coordinates:
latitude: 35.968191 – longitude: 52.114548

Drive to Damavand North & North-East
Road to Nandal Village Mountaineering Resort . Damavand Mountaineering Guide
Drive to Damavand North & North-East
Road to Nandal Village Mountaineering Resort
Damavand Mountaineering Guide

Climb Damavand from the North Route GUD22OCT21A

Mount Damavand Iran i Alborz Mountain Chain
Trekking Mount Damavand Iran in Alborz Mountain Range

Trekking Tour Mt Damavand
Hiking & Trekking Climbing Tour Damavand Mountain Iran
The experience of ascending to this summit with a group of mountaineers from around the world is very rewarding. Before climbing Mount Damavand it is recommended to read all the necessary ascending info for this giant mountain.

Mount Damavand Guide Trekking Itinerary

Mount Damavand best climbing itinerary is a 3days plan starting from Camp one, Polour resort, and going by road to summer base-camp or second campsite, (Goosfand-Sara or Mosque), then hiking from there to high camp, Bargah Sevom. Before making the climb; www.damawand.de has maps and details of the various trekking routes HERE. Remember on the summit day and after leaving the high camp, there’s no water on the trail.

In our Damavand Forum you may also find the most Frequently Asked Questions and the most common answers about climbing Damavand Mountain.

What other people talk about Mt Damavand Iran!

A ski-mountaineering team from the UK set out to climb Iran’s highest mountain, Mount Damavand (5610 m) and Alam‑Kuh, Iran. Alam‑Kuh in Alborz mountain range in north of Iran. At 5,671 meters (18,606 feet), Mount Damavand is the highest peak in Iran and commonly referred to as the “roof of Iran.” Located in the Alborz. At 5671 m above sea level, mount Damavand is the highest mountain in Iran and the Middle East and the highest volcano in Eurasia. Best Trekking Season: Mid-June to September. Climb Mount Damavand – trek › climb+mount. Climbing Mount Damavand – Iran’s highest mountain. Climbing to the roof of Iran, Mt Damavand and Alam‑Kuh, Mazandaran. Complete Guide to Hiking Up Mount Damavand in Iran – Culture › middle-east › Iran › articles. Damāvand – Encyclopedia Iranica › articles › damavand. Damavand – Mountain Guide Tours › climbing. Damavand : Climbing, Hiking & Mountaineering – Summit. Damavand Guide and Alam‑Kuh: Damavand trekking and climbing guides. Damavand City Map. Damavand City Near Tehran. Damavand City Road Map. Damavand ideas | iran travel, natural landmarks, iran. Damavand Height 5671m near Damavand City, Iran. Damavand Images, Stock Photos & Vectors › search › damavand. Damavand is a perfect cone-shape volcano located in the central part of Alborz Mountain Range in north of Iran on the southern coast of the Caspian Sea. Damavand is a potentially active stratovolcano, the highest mountain in Iran and is located between Tehran and the Caspian Sea in the Elburs Mountains.

Damavand Mountain is the highest mountain of Iran and Middle East; it is the highest volcanic peak of Asia and the 19th tallest peak of the world. Damavand Mountain Pictures | Download Free Images. Damavand Mythology Arash Kamangir. Damavand Mythology Arash Tirandaz. Damavand, Iran. Damavand Photos and Images photo › damavand. Damavand Peak. Damavand Polour Camp is one of the well-equipped mountaineering complex in Iran, in Damavand tours you enjoy a safe and successful ascending to the Mt. Damavand Mythology. Damavand Peak of Iran -› damavand-peak. Damavand summit with 5671 m altitude, is the highest volcano peak with a correct conical shape on the northern hemisphere. It is roof of Iran. Damavand summit. Damavand Tehran, Iran. Damavand Tour Packages – Full Guide About Climbing › mount-damavand-tours. Damavand trekking is so tightly knitted to Iranian culture. Damavand is a symbol of resistance and strength in Iranian folk stories. Damavand Volcano Activity status. Damavand Height 5610m. Damavand City. Damavand Volcano activity. Damavand Volcano eruption. Damavand Volcano history. Damavand volcano is a majestic stratovolcano located 70 km NE of Tehran and 70 km south of the Caspian Sea. Damavand Volcano recent eruption.Damavand Volcano, Iran – Facts & Information. Damavand Volcano, Iran – John Seach › damavand. Damavand Volcano. Damavand photos › photos › tags › damavand. Damavand near Tehran. Damavand Height. Damavand, Iran.

Damavand is an impressive stratovolcano that reaches 5,628 meters (18,465 feet) in elevation. Part of the Alborz Mountain Range. Damavand Mount is the highest peak (5610 m) in Alburz Mountain Range located in Northern Iran. Damavand, Iran. Damavand is an ancient and historic city. The name Damavand appears in Sassanid texts (as Dunbawand), and Parthian remains have been found there. Province Damavand, Iran. Prominence: 4666 m, 15308 ft. Elevation: 5609 meters, 18,402 feet. True Isolation: 1165.03 km. Damavand, Tehran.DAMĀVAND. i. Geography. ii. In Iranian mythology. Geography. The mountain. Mount Damāvand is a recent volcano. Define Damavand. Damavand synonyms, Damavand pronunciation, Damavand translation, English dictionary definition of Damavand. also Dem·a·vend A peak. Definition of Damavand by The Free Dictionary › Damavand. Download the perfect damavand mountain pictures. Find over 100+ of the best free damavand mountain images. Free for commercial use. Easiest route: Hiking from the Southern route. Easiest Trekking Route: The southern route. Elbrus & Damavand … The highest volcanoes of Europe and Asia combined in an exciting journey from Russia to the Orient. Our Elbrus expeditions. Elbrus & Damavand › Home › Trips. Elevation: 18402 ft / 5609 m. Everything about Mount Damavand, Weather conditions, Damavand Mountain Facts & Information, Damavand Trekking Routes, Climbing Tours, Equipment, etc.

Feedback Damavand, Iran. Find Damavand stock images in HD and millions of other royalty-free stock photos, illustrations and vectors in the collection. Find the perfect damavand stock photo. Huge collection, amazing choice, 100+ million high qualities, affordable RF and RM images. Guestbook & Feedback Damavand, Iran. Hardest Trekking Route: The northern route. How long does it take to climb Damavand? Image of Damavand City. Iran Damavand mountain special view of the highest mountain of Iran named Damavand and at the right side of the pic. the Caspian sea. It is part of the Volcanic Seven summits. Parent peak: Mount Elbrus. Location: Amol, ‎Māzandarān‎, ‎Iran‎. It Worth Knowing About Mt Damavand. Kuh‑E Dinar. Kuh‑E Dinar, Iran. Last eruption: 5350 BCE ± 200 years. Elevation: 5,609.2 m (18,403 ft). Symbolism and mythology · ‎Routes to the summit · ‎Geographical location · ‎Wildlife. Location in Iran: Amol, Mazandaran, Iran. Kuh‑E Dinar, Tehran. Morphology and brief description of summit from visiting excursion. On 1 August 1999, a group from the Societe de Volcanologie Geneve ascended the ice. Mount Damavand – Mazandaran, Iran All Trekking Trails Iran › Mazandaran › Amol. Mount Damavand – Places Iran › Māzandarān. Mount Damāvand (Persian: دماوند‎‎ [dæmɒːvænd]), a potentially active volcano, is a stratovolcano which is the highest peak in Iran and the Middle East. Mount Damāvand | mountain, Iran – Encyclopedia place › Mount-Damavand.
Mount Damavand Trekking Tour GUID22APR28B

Mount Damavand Trekking Tour

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